Gacha Security Regional Field Office

Established in 2022, GSRFO, or RFO, is an organization that aims to serve and protect the Gacha Community using open sourced intelligence collection and analysis. As both internal and external threats to the Gacha Community increase, GSRFO exists as the only line of defense for all gacha users.

  • We investigate threats against the Gacha Community and gacha users

  • We collect intelligence on the adversaries of the Gacha Community

  • We issue advisories to Lunime

  • We act as the Gacha Community's arbitration agency, mediating disputes between gacha users

  • We issue takedown orders to gacha users that violate Lunime's terms

  • We may directly compel the account closure of gacha social media accounts that violate the terms

  • We may officially remove gacha users from the Gacha Community, also known as "real gatekeeping"